Salisbury Street

CCS was engaged by the building owner to provide a solution to relevel the foundations of both wings of units, the lift, the stairway and the gym building adjacent. By working alongside Geotechnical & Structural Engineers, CCS was able to provide a robust solution for the client which enabled them to continue to have the top two levels of the apartment buildings occupied whilst the work was being completed.


Before Releveling


  • This particular building is a three Storey, dual-wing apartment block with 34 units constructed of tilt-slab concrete located in Christchurch’s CBD
  • The site soil conditions were gravel, silt and peat with a high water table.
  • The rear of each wing had dropped by 316mm and 266mm, respectively.
  • For the duration of the lift the tenants continued to occupy the upper two floors
  • All services (sewer & storm water) remained connected for the duration of the work

After Releveling


  • Work was completed in stages (one wing at a time and finally the lift shaft and stairs. The gym building was completed at the end)
  • 113 piles (3m deep) were installed around the building.
  • Both apartment block wings and the free standing lift shaft were relevelled
  • The maximum lift was 230mm

Read the press article on Salisbury Street featured in the Mainlander here.

Commercial Foundation Repairs